Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test is a free diagnostic tool that Google is retiring on November 30, 2023. Google suggests using Google Lighthouse in the future.

Lighthouse does much more than the Mobile-Friendly Test, making it a more valuable tool. Google Lighthouse is:

  • More Comprehensive: It tests more aspects of a website’s performance, including mobile usability, performance, accessibility, and SEO.
  • More Up-To-date: It is updated regularly to reflect the latest changes in Google’s search algorithm and mobile device technology.
  • More Integrated with Google’s Other Tools: For example, you can use Google Lighthouse to test your website’s performance in Google Search Console.

Related: Learn how to use Google Lighthouse

Why is Google Retiring the Mobile-Friendly Test?

In an ongoing effort to refine its user experience, Google has decided to retire the Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

One principal reason is the significant shift in user behavior. With nearly half of all global website traffic deriving from mobile devices, it’s no longer simply a matter of having a mobile-friendly website; it’s a question of how well the site performs on such devices. Users demand faster load times and smoother on-page interactions, which the Mobile-Friendly Test did not fully address.

Another contributing factor was Google’s evolving view on mobile optimization. It has shifted from mere compatibility towards performance, signaling this change with the introduction of Core Web Vitals. It reinforced the need to consider factors like page load times, interactivity, visual stability, and mobile usability when assessing a site’s mobile optimization.

Moreover, Google Lighthouse is a comprehensive tool for evaluating website performance, providing a more holistic view of a website’s performance, including mobile-friendliness, speed, accessibility, SEO, and overall quality of user experience.

This change will undoubtedly impact web developers and website owners, requiring them to adapt their optimization strategy. Instead of passing the Mobile-Friendly Test, their focus should be on ensuring their sites meet the standards set by Core Web Vitals and offer a seamless experience across devices. This multidimensional approach to website optimization caters to broader aspects of user experience, allowing sites to serve today’s tech-savvy, mobile-first users.

Despite the initial complexity that this change might imply, it is a necessary step towards guaranteeing websites deliver an optimal user experience. It is an opportunity for website owners and developers to holistically improve their sites and prepare for the future of web browsing, where performance is as critical as compatibility, if not more.

Thus, the retirement of the Google Mobile-Friendly Test signifies not an end but an evolution – a shift in focus from basic mobile compatibility to an all-around excellent user experience powered by high performative standards.

Google Suggests Using Lighthouse

In response to Google’s recently announced retirement of its Mobile-Friendly Test tool, it suggests using Google Lighthouse as an alternative for web developers and site owners. Google Lighthouse is a comprehensive open-source tool that helps to improve website quality by auditing web pages for performance, accessibility, SEO, and more, which the now-retired Mobile-Friendly Test could not do.

Google recommends using Lighthouse because of its expansive array of auditing capabilities. It’s capable of generating extensive reports highlighting areas of improvement, enabling website owners and developers to pay particular attention to those areas that need enhancement. It audits the mobile-friendliness of web pages, like its predecessor, and extends its reach to other critical factors such as site speed, optimization, and accessibility.

Learn How to use Google Lighthouse

The easiest way for most people to use Lighthouse is to use the DevTools built into the Chome Browser.

Learn how to use Google Lighthouse: How to Use Google Lighthouse: How it Works, Chrome DevTools, PageSpeed Insights, Extensions


The retirement of Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test marks a crucial turning point in web development and optimization. This tool has played a pivotal role in aiding developers to ensure their websites are tailored for optimal mobile experience. However, its retirement does not represent a setback. Instead, it urges momentum toward more comprehensive and advanced tools like Google Lighthouse.

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