Improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for increased online visibility, generating higher quality website traffic and lead generation, increasing the cost-effectiveness of marketing, developing credibility and trust, and staying competitive.

Furthermore, SEO is a long-term strategy that requires never-ending work to improve search ranking in search results. Unlike paid marketing campaigns that provide temporary visibility, the effects of SEO can last for years, especially when maintained appropriately.

So here are the top ways to improve your Google SEO rankings.

#1 Use Google’s Search Console

Google’s Search Console is our #1 tool for SEO. It provides comprehensive insights about a website’s presence in Google’s search results, facilitates optimization, and aids in detecting potential issues. See: Getting Started with Search Console.

The top benefits of using Google Search Console include:

  1. Identifying and Fixing Website Errors: Search Console can help you identify errors on your website that may be preventing Google from crawling or indexing your pages correctly. For example, Google Search Console can identify broken links, duplicate content, and mobile usability issues.
  2. Monitoring Your Website’s Performance: Search Console provides detailed reports on your website’s performance in Google Search, including click-through rate (CTR), average position, and impressions. You can use this data to track your progress over time and identify areas where you can improve your SEO.
  3. Understanding How Users Find Your Website: Search Console shows you which keywords users use to find your website in Google Search. You can use this information to optimize your content for the most relevant keywords to your target audience.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do in Google Search Console is set up your sitemap. A sitemap is a map of your website that helps search engines understand the structure of your site, making it easier for Google to find and index your pages. Follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Your Sitemap: Ensure you have a sitemap before adding it to the Search Console. Most website platforms like WordPress have plugins or tools to generate sitemaps. Typically, a sitemap’s URL might look like this:
  2. Navigate to Sitemaps: In the Google Search Console dashboard, select your property (website). On the left-hand menu, click on ‘Sitemaps.’
  3. Submit Your Sitemap: In the ‘Add a new sitemap’ field, enter the URL of your sitemap (usually the part after your main domain, like /sitemap.xml). Click ‘Submit.’
  4. Monitor Your Sitemap: Once submitted, Google will begin to process your sitemap. You can check the status in the same ‘Sitemaps’ section. If there are any errors, Google will highlight them, allowing you to make necessary corrections.

Additional ways to use Google Search Console to improve SEO include:

  1. Use the Search performance report to identify keywords with high impressions and clicks but low CTR. This suggests that your titles and descriptions are not relevant or compelling enough. Try rewriting them to include the keywords more prominently and to make them more likely to attract clicks.
  2. Use the Index coverage report to identify pages that Google has not indexed. This can be due to several factors, such as broken links, canonicalization issues, or robots.txt blocking. Fix the underlying issues and then submit the pages for reindexing.
  3. Use the Core Web Vitals report to identify pages not meeting Google’s performance standards. Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that measure the loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability of web pages. Pages that do not meet Google’s Core Web Vitals standards may be ranked lower in search results.
  4. Use the Mobile usability report to identify pages that are not mobile-friendly. Google increasingly prioritizes mobile-friendly pages in search results. Make any necessary changes to your website to ensure that it is mobile-friendly.
  5. Use the Links report to identify your top linking domains and pages. This information can be used to build relationships with other websites and create high-quality backlinks to your site.

#2 Create a Content Marketing Strategy

A content marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that guides content creation, publication, and distribution. In the case of SEO, the goal of the strategy is to improve visibility in search results, resulting in higher-quality website traffic and producing leads and sales.

Components of a content marketing strategy can include:

  • Developing relevant, high-quality content.
  • Strategizing keyword deployment.
  • Conversion optimization.
  • Enhancing page loading speed.
  • Images, videos, white papers, etc.
  • Refined structuring and navigation.
  • Regular updates to the website.
  • Meta tags optimization.
  • Obtaining backlinks.
  • Internal linking.

Here are some steps to create a content marketing strategy:

  1. Define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your content marketing strategy? Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales? Once you know your goals, you can tailor your content and distribution strategy accordingly.
  2. Identify your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your content? Once you know your target audience, you can create content that is relevant and interesting to them.
  3. Research keywords. What keywords are your target audience searching for? You can use keyword research tools to identify relevant keywords and to understand their search volume and competition.
  4. Create a content calendar. A content calendar will help you plan and schedule your content. This will ensure that you consistently publish new content and that your content is aligned with your overall marketing strategy.
  5. Produce high-quality content. Your content should be well-written, informative, and engaging. It should also be relevant to your target audience and the keywords they are searching for.
  6. Promote your content. Once you have created high-quality content, you need to promote it so people can find it. You can promote your content through social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

Additional tips that will help you succeed include:

  1. Focus on quality over quantity. It’s better to publish a few high-quality pieces of content per week than to publish a lot of low-quality content.
  2. Be consistent. Publish new content regularly to keep your audience engaged and improve your ranking in search results.
  3. Use a variety of content formats. Don’t just rely on blog posts. Mix things up with videos, infographics, eBooks, and other types of content.
  4. Repurpose your content. Once you have created content, repurpose it into different formats and distribute it through various channels.
  5. Track your results. Use analytics tools to track your content’s performance and identify what works. This information will help you to refine your content marketing strategy over time.

#3 Publish High-Quality Content

Quality content in SEO refers to relevant, comprehensive, reliable, unique, and up-to-date information that is easy to read.

High-quality content is a top priority for SEO for:

  1. E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness): By offering high-quality content, you establish your site as an authoritative, credible, and trustworthy resource that search engines are more likely to rank highly in SERPs.
  2. User Engagement and Retention: High-quality content captures visitors’ attention and keeps them engaged. When users spend more time on a page, it signals to search engines that the content is relevant and valuable, which can positively impact rankings.
  3. Backlinks: Well-researched and authoritative content is more likely to be referenced and linked to by other websites. Backlinks are a critical factor in SEO, as they act as “votes of confidence” for your site, which can improve its authority and search rankings.
  4. Relevance to Search Queries: Quality content addresses users’ questions and needs. When relevant content aligns well with search queries, it’s more likely to rank higher in search engine results.
  5. Reduced Bounce Rate: If users find what they want in your content and deem it valuable, they’re less likely to leave or “bounce” from your site quickly. A lower bounce rate can be a positive ranking factor for search engines.
  6. Keyword Optimization: High-quality content naturally incorporates primary and secondary keywords and semantic terms, making it easier for search engines to understand and index the content appropriately.
  7. Evergreen Value: Timeless content that is evergreen continues to attract traffic over time and serves as a foundational pillar for your website’s SEO.
  8. Encourages Social Sharing: Quality content will likely be shared across social media platforms. Social signals (e.g., the number of likes, shares, or comments) are not ranking factors for Google SEO. However, they can have an indirect positive effect on SEO.
  9. Supports Other SEO Elements: Quality content often complements other SEO practices, such as internal linking and structured data. These elements combined can enhance the overall search visibility of a website.
  10. Adaptability to Algorithm Updates: Search engine algorithms are regularly updated to prioritize user experience and demote low-quality or spammy content. Websites with high-quality content are better positioned to weather these updates and may even benefit from them.

Here are some tips for publishing high-quality content for SEO:

  1. Write for your audience, not for search engines. It’s essential to keep in mind that you’re writing for people, not for robots. Ensure your content is informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.
  2. Research your topic thoroughly. Before you start writing, make sure you have a good understanding of your topic. This will help you to write accurate and informative content.
  3. Use clear and concise language. Avoid using jargon and technical terms that your audience may not understand. Instead, use clear and concise language that is easy to read and understand.
  4. Structure your content logically. Use headings and subheadings to break up your text and make it easy to scan. You should also use bullet points and numbered lists to make your content more visually appealing and easier to read.
  5. Proofread your content carefully. Before you publish your content, proofread it carefully for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.
  6. Use relevant keywords throughout your content. However, avoid keyword stuffing, which is the practice of unnaturally overusing keywords in your content.
  7. Include images and videos in your content. Images and videos can make your content more visually appealing and engaging. They can also help to improve your website’s ranking in search results, as Google tends to favor pages with multimedia content.
  8. Link to other high-quality websites. Linking to other high-quality websites shows search engines that your content is authoritative and trustworthy. This can help to improve your website’s ranking in search results.
  9. Promote your content on social media and other channels. Once you have published your content, promote it on social media and other channels. This will help increase your content’s visibility and attract more visitors to your website.

While technical aspects of SEO are undeniably crucial, high-quality content remains king. High-quality content not only aligns with the primary objective of search engines to provide users with the best answers to their queries, but it also fosters trust, authority, and engagement, all of which are vital for achieving and maintaining high search rankings.

#4 Publish Content Regularly

Frequently publishing content that search engines index is a positive signal for SEO. Large lead generation companies often publish content several times a week, while small companies may publish content once weekly or monthly.

SEO benefits of regularly publishing content include:

  1. Freshness Factor: Search engines, especially Google, give weight to the freshness of content. New content can signal that a website is regularly updated and actively maintained, which can contribute positively to search rankings, especially for topics that demand current information.
  2. Increased Number of Indexed Pages: Every new piece of content creates an additional page that search engines can index. More indexed pages generally increase the chances of your website appearing in search results, potentially driving more organic traffic.
  3. Targeting More Keywords: Consistently adding content provides opportunities to target a broader range of keywords. This diversifies the potential search queries your website can rank for, broadening your reach in search results.
  4. Establishing Authority: Regularly publishing insightful and valuable content can establish a website as an authority in its niche or industry. Over time, this can lead to higher trust from users and search engines, positively influencing SEO.
  5. Encouraging Repeat Visits: When users know that a website regularly offers new and valuable content, they’re more likely to return. Repeat visits can increase engagement metrics (like dwell time), which may indirectly benefit SEO.
  6. Backlink Opportunities: High-quality, regularly updated content is more likely to attract backlinks from other websites. Backlinks are a major ranking factor in SEO.
  7. User Engagement: Fresh content can boost user engagement. If visitors find something new every time they visit, they’re likely to spend more time on the site and explore more pages, which can positively impact user behavior metrics.
  8. Staying Relevant in Dynamic Industries: For industries that experience frequent changes, updates, or trends, regularly publishing content ensures that the website remains relevant and provides current, accurate information.
  9. Consistent Social Media Shares: New content can be shared across social media platforms, increasing visibility and traffic. While social signals do not directly impact Google SEO, they can have indirect results by increasing visibility, traffic, and buzz.
  10. Build and Maintain a Loyal Audience: Regular content updates can help build and maintain a loyal audience base, enhancing brand recognition and trust. This can increase organic mentions and shares, further bolstering SEO.

Tips for publishing content regularly include:

  1. Create a Content Calendar: A content calendar will help you to plan and schedule your content in advance. This will ensure that you consistently publish new content and that your content is aligned with your overall marketing strategy.
  2. Repurpose Your Content: Once you have created a piece of content, don’t just let it sit on your website. Repurpose it into different formats and distribute it through different channels. This is a great way to get more mileage out of your content and to reach a wider audience.
  3. Use a Content Management System (CMS): A CMS can make publishing and managing your content easier. Many free and open-source CMS platforms are available, such as WordPress and Drupal.
  4. Outsource Your Content Creation: If you don’t have the time or resources to create content yourself, you can outsource your content creation to a freelance writer or content marketing agency.

Consistently publishing content is not about volume; it’s about maintaining fresh, high-quality content indexed by search engines that provides value to your target audience.

#5 Optimize Website Content

Website content optimization is creating and enhancing content to be more easily discovered by search engines, leading to higher rankings in search results and more organic traffic to your website.

Tips for optimizing your website content for SEO include:

  1. Use relevant keywords throughout your content. When you’re writing your content, think about the keywords your target audience will likely use when searching for information about your products or services. Include those keywords throughout your content, including in the title tag, meta description, headings, and body text.
  2. Write high-quality content that is informative and engaging. Search engines want to provide their users with the best possible results, so they rank high-quality content higher in search results. Ensure your content is well-written, informative, and engaging for your target audience.
  3. Structure your content logically and use headings and subheadings. Headings and subheadings help to break up your page and make it easier for readers to scan. They also help search engines understand your content’s structure and identify the most crucial information.
  4. Use images and videos to break up your text and make your content visually appealing. Images and videos can also help to improve your website’s ranking in search results, as Google tends to favor pages with multimedia content.
  5. Include internal links to other pages on your website. Internal links help users navigate your website and find the information they seek. They also help search engines understand your website’s structure and identify the most important pages.
  6. Keep your content fresh and up-to-date. Search engines often rank pages with fresh content higher in search results. Make sure to update your content with new information and insights regularly.

Furthermore, optimizing your website content includes many of the things we discuss throughout this article, such as:

  • Keyword research and optimization, including the use of long-tail keywords.
  • SEO-optimized images and videos.
  • On-page SEO includes the meta title tag, meta description, headers (H1, H2, etc.), and URL structure.
  • Internal and external linking.
  • Optimized user experience using information from Google Search Console, including mobile optimization.

#6 Remove or Edit Duplicate Content for Ranking Pages

Duplicate content refers to identical or substantially similar content that appears on multiple pages within a website or across different websites on the internet. This can arise from various sources, including copied text, boilerplate, or syndicated content.

Syndicated Content and More: Not Necessarily Harmful

Duplicate content you have the right to use, such as syndicated content (e.g., press releases), is not harmful to SEO; however, Google may choose not to index it. This type of content can be helpful for user engagement as you share it with your audience.

The best practice for these pages is to allow Google to decide whether it indexes them. However, be careful not to have the same content on multiple pages across your website, such as having the same press release on numerous pages, which could harm SEO because it degrades the user experience.

Duplicate Content for Ranking Pages

For pages you want to rank on Google, duplicate content is harmful. Search engines like Google strive to provide users with the most relevant and diverse search results. Therefore, duplicate content on pages you want to rank in search engines can result in a host of SEO challenges, such as:

  1. Reduced Search Engine Rankings: Duplicate content can confuse search engines, leading to lower rankings for affected pages.
  2. Keyword Dilution: Duplicate content can dilute the impact of target keywords across multiple pages, making it harder for any of them to rank well.
  3. Competing with Yourself: Multiple pages with the same content may compete against each other for search engine attention, harming your site’s authority.
  4. Risk of Deindexing: In extreme cases, search engines may deindex pages or even entire websites with excessive duplicate content.
  5. Backlink Fragmentation: Duplicate content can lead to fragmented backlinks, reducing your site’s authority and link equity.
  6. Wasted Crawl Budget: Search engine bots spend valuable resources crawling and indexing duplicate content, potentially leaving less time for unique content.
  7. Confusing User Experience: Users may become frustrated when encountering identical or nearly identical content on different pages, impacting the overall user experience.
  8. Inaccurate Analytics: Duplicate content can skew website analytics, making it challenging to track user engagement and performance accurately.
  9. Poor Mobile Experience: Duplicate content can lead to issues on mobile devices, affecting mobile SEO and usability.

Identifying Duplicate Content

It’s crucial to identify duplicate content on your website, which is achieved through various methods:

  1. Manual Review: Inspect your website’s pages to spot duplicate content. Look for identical or substantially similar text, images, or other media on different pages.
  2. SEO Tools: Use SEO tools and software like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, Semrush, SEO PowerSuite, Ubbersuggest, Screaming Frog, Copyscape, and Grammarly’s plagiarism checker to detect duplicate content issues automatically. These tools can provide valuable insights into the extent of the problem.
  3. Compare URLs: Compare the URLs of different pages to identify duplicate URL structures or parameters. Pay attention to variations in URL parameters that can generate duplicate content.
  4. Use Plagiarism Checkers: Use plagiarism checker tools like Copyscape and Grammarly to search for instances where your content may have been duplicated on external websites.
  5. Examine Metadata: Check pages’ metadata (title tags, meta descriptions) for duplication, as these elements can affect search engine rankings. Duplicate metadata can lead to confusion in search engine results.
  6. Review Canonical Tags: Inspect the use of canonical tags in your website’s HTML code. Ensure that canonical tags are correctly implemented to specify the preferred version of a page.
  7. Analyze Structured Data: Look for duplicate structured data (schema markup) on pages, which can affect how search engines interpret your content. Ensure that structured data is applied appropriately to differentiate content.
  8. Check for Printer-friendly Versions: Examine if your website has printer-friendly versions of pages, as these can often result in duplicate content. Implement canonical tags or noindex tags on printer-friendly versions if necessary.
  9. Review Pagination and Sorting: Analyze how pagination and sorting options are implemented, especially on e-commerce or catalog pages. Ensure that these features don’t generate duplicate content.
  10. Monitor User-generated Content: Monitor user-generated content, such as comments, reviews, or forum posts, for potential duplication. Implement moderation and guidelines to prevent content duplication in user-generated sections. Also, implement canonical tags or noindex tags as necessary.
  11. Perform Regular Audits: Schedule periodic content audits to continuously identify and address new instances of duplicate content. Regular audits help maintain a clean and optimized website.

Delete or Remove Harmful Duplicate Content

Once you identify duplicate content on your website, remove or edit the content on pages intended to rank on Google.

  1. Delete or Consolidate Duplicate Pages: If the duplicate content serves no unique purpose and doesn’t add value, consider deleting the redundant pages. Alternatively, consolidate similar pages into one comprehensive page, ensuring the content provides a better user experience.
  2. Implement 301 Redirects: When deleting duplicate pages, use 301 redirects to point the removed URL to the preferred canonical version. This preserves link equity and informs search engines of the change.
  3. Edit Duplicate Content: If you need to retain multiple versions of a page with similar content, rewrite the content to make it unique and valuable. Add fresh insights, examples, or perspectives to differentiate the pages.
  4. Canonical Tags: Implement canonical tags on duplicate pages to indicate the preferred version to search engines. This helps consolidate duplicate content issues and guides search engine crawlers. Use self-referential canonical tags when a page points to itself as the preferred version.
  5. Robots.txt and Noindex Tags: Use the robots.txt file to block search engines from crawling specific duplicate content pages you want to keep but don’t want indexed. Implement the “noindex” meta tag on pages you want to keep but don’t want to appear in search engine results.
  6. XML Sitemaps: Ensure that your XML sitemap is updated to reflect the changes you’ve made to duplicate content. Remove URLs that have been deleted or redirected.
  7. Monitor and Test: Continuously monitor your website’s performance in search engine rankings and user engagement metrics after addressing duplicate content. Test the effectiveness of your changes and make adjustments as needed.
  8. Prevent Future Duplicates: Implement strict content creation and publishing guidelines to prevent future instances of duplicate content.

#7 Fix Thin Content for Ranking Pages

Thin content refers to content that lacks depth, value, and substance. It might be too short, offer no new information, or replicate what’s already available elsewhere on the web. While no strict word count defines thin content, its main characteristic is its inability to satisfy user intent or answer their questions comprehensively.

Thin Content that is Not Harmful

Pages with thin content are not necessarily harmful if they are not intended to rank on search engines, are not spammy duplicate content, and are helpful for marketing purposes.

Examples of this type of page on are pages that feature clients’ websites and feature clients’ reviews. These pages are critical to our marketing, and we don’t intend for them to rank on search engines. As a result, Google does not index them.

Harmful Thin Content

Thin content is harmful to pages meant to rank on search engines. It refers to content on a website that offers little to no SEO value. This can include:

  1. Shallow Pages: These are pages with minimal content or content that barely skims the surface of a topic.
  2. Duplicate Content: Pages that contain content identical or similar to content found elsewhere, be it on the same website or different sites.
  3. Auto-generated Content: Content produced using automated methods rather than being crafted thoughtfully by humans.
  4. Doorway Pages: Pages created to rank highly for specific search queries, only to funnel users to a different destination.

To ensure the quality of pages meant to rank on search engines:

  1. Conduct Regular Audits: Review your website’s content regularly to identify and rectify thin or duplicate pages.
  2. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: Instead of producing content in bulk, focus on crafting well-researched, in-depth pieces that genuinely benefit your audience.
  3. Avoid Shortcuts: Stay clear of practices like content spinning or scraping. It’s always more beneficial to create original, authentic content.
  4. Stay Updated on SEO Best Practices: SEO is ever-evolving. Stay updated with the latest guidelines from search engines to ensure your content strategies align.

#8 Optimize Structured Data

Structured data is a pivotal aspect of modern SEO practices, offering a more precise way for search engines to understand and interpret the content of a web page. By optimizing structured data, you can provide explicit clues about the meaning of a page to search engines, enhancing your visibility and improving the way search engines index your content.

What is Structured Data?

Structured data refers to any data that is organized or formatted in a way that makes it easily understandable. In the context of SEO, it’s a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying its content. This often uses the vocabulary, implemented using JSON-LD, Microdata, or RDFa formats.

Benefits of Structured Data for SEO

Structured data offers a range of benefits for SEO, primarily by enhancing how search engines interpret and display your content. Key advantages include:

  1. Rich Snippets: Properly structured data can lead to rich snippets in search results, which are enhanced descriptions or previews. Examples include star ratings for product reviews, product prices, or recipe cook times.
  2. Improved CTR: Enhanced search results through rich snippets can lead to a higher click-through rate as users get a better idea of what to expect from your page.
  3. Voice Search Compatibility: Structured data can make your website more compatible with voice search results, a rapidly growing method of online search.
  4. Better Understanding by Search Engines: It ensures that search engines don’t misinterpret your content, leading to more accurate search result placements.

To optimize structured data for SEO, follow these steps:

  1. Identify Relevant Schemas: Depending on your content, determine the appropriate vocabulary. For instance, if you’re a restaurant, use the restaurant schema.
  2. Use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper: This tool can assist you in creating structured data markup for your website by visually selecting parts of your page and tagging them.
  3. Test Your Markup: Once implemented, utilize Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to ensure no errors in your markup.
  4. Stay Updated: The world of structured data is continually evolving. Ensure you stay updated with the latest guidelines and best practices from search engines.
  5. Monitor Performance: Use tools like Google Search Console to monitor how your structured data affects your search performance.

When optimizing a website for structured data, it’s crucial to avoid certain common pitfalls, which include:

  1. Over-optimization: Only include information relevant to your content. Avoid adding unnecessary details or overusing structured data in hopes of better SEO.
  2. Incomplete Data: Ensure that all properties of the structured data markup are filled out comprehensively.
  3. Syntax Errors: A small mistake can make your structured data unrecognizable. Always test before finalizing.

#9 Use Social Media

Social signals (e.g., the number of likes, shares, or comments) indirectly bolster SEO, though they are not direct ranking factors for Google.

For example, writers research a topic using BuzzSumo to discover the most popular content across Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Then, they write an article posted on a highly-ranked website with links to the most popular articles based on social engagement, resulting in a high-quality backlink. Although the social signals are not Google ranking factors, the backlink is a ranking factor.

Benefits of posting to social media that can indirectly boost SEO for Google include:

  1. Increased Website Traffic: Sharing content from your website to social media platforms can drive significant traffic back to your site. The more traffic and clicks your site receives, the more search engines may consider your site to be authoritative and valuable, which can contribute to improved rankings.
  2. Content Visibility: Social media allows your content to be discovered by a wider audience. Even if social signals (likes, shares, retweets) don’t directly influence search engine rankings, the increased visibility can lead to other benefits, such as backlinks, which are crucial for SEO.
  3. Backlink Generation: High-quality, engaging content shared on social media can catch the attention of other content creators. If they find your content valuable, they might link to it from their own websites or blogs, generating backlinks, which are fundamental to SEO.
  4. Improved Brand Awareness: Regular posting on social media enhances brand recognition and reputation. A well-recognized brand can have higher click-through rates (CTR) in search engine results pages (SERPs), and a higher CTR can be a positive signal to search engines.
  5. Faster Content Indexation: Search engines crawl social media, so sharing new content on these platforms can help in faster discovery and indexation of that content by search engines.
  6. Local SEO Benefits: For businesses with a local focus, social media activity (especially on platforms like Google My Business) can boost local SEO efforts. Reviews, check-ins, and interactions on social platforms can play a role in local search rankings.
  7. Builds Authority: Engaging with audiences on social platforms and answering their queries can establish your brand as an authority in your industry. While this doesn’t directly influence SEO, it does enhance trust and credibility, which can lead to other indirect SEO benefits.
  8. Enhanced User Engagement: Engaging social media content can increase user interaction and engagement. While engagement metrics from social platforms don’t directly influence search rankings, the cumulative effect of brand interaction and recognition can have indirect benefits.

Here are some tips for posting to social media in a way that can benefit SEO:

  1. Share your content on social media. When you publish new content, share it on your social media channels. This will help increase your content’s visibility and attract more visitors to your website.
  2. Interact with your audience on social media. Social media is not just about broadcasting your content. It is also about interacting with your audience. Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in conversations. This will help you to build relationships with your audience and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
  3. Use relevant hashtags in your social media posts. Hashtags are a great way to get your content seen by people interested in the topics you write about. When you use relevant hashtags in your social media posts, your content is more likely to show up in the search results for those hashtags.
  4. Run social media contests and giveaways. Social media contests and giveaways are a great way to generate excitement and engagement around your brand. They can also help to attract new followers and to increase brand awareness.
  5. Use social media advertising to target your ideal audience. Social media platforms like Facebook Ads and Twitter Ads allow you to target your ads to people interested in the topics you write about. This is a great way to reach your target audience and drive traffic to your website.
  6. Use high-quality images and videos in your social media posts. Visual content is more likely to be shared and engaged with by followers than text-only content.
  7. Post at the best times. People are more likely to be active on social media at certain times throughout the week. Do some research to find out when your target audience is most active, and schedule your posts accordingly.
  8. Use social media analytics to track your progress. Social media analytics tools can help you track your social media posts’ performance and identify what is working and what is not. This information can help you to refine your social media strategy over time.

#10 Engage Your Audience

Like social media, broad audience engagement can indirectly impact your SEO efforts. Methods of audience engagement include:

  1. Interactive Content: Utilize quizzes, polls, surveys, and interactive infographics to involve users actively.
  2. Social Media Engagement: Use Q&A sessions, live videos, and user-generated content to engage your audience on social media.
  3. Storytelling: Craft compelling narratives around your content or brand to create a deeper emotional connection with your audience.
  4. Webinars and Workshops: Organize educational sessions on topics your audience is interested in that provide value while positioning you as an expert in your field.
  5. Email and SMS Messaging: Regularly send out content, updates, and personalized offers to keep your audience informed and engaged.
  6. Feedback and Surveys: Actively seek feedback. Ensure that your audience knows you value their input and act upon it.
  7. Engaging Visuals: Use compelling graphics, animations, and videos to captivate your audience.
  8. Personalization: Use data-driven insights to tailor content, ads, and messages to individual user preferences and behaviors.
  9. Gamification: Introduce game-like elements (points, leaderboards, achievements) to incentivize audience participation.
  10. Community Building: Use forums, discussion boards, and private groups, in addition to hosted and sponsored live events, to build your community.
  11. Challenges and Contests: Create contests or challenges and reward active participants, leading to more involvement and virality.
  12. Consistent Communication: Regularly update your audience about your brand’s latest happenings, product releases, or general news.
  13. User-friendly Website Design: Ensure your website is intuitive, responsive, and user-friendly to minimize friction and maximize engagement.
  14. Educational Content: Offer how-to guides, tutorials, and other educational materials related to your industry or product.
  15. Loyalty Programs: Reward your most dedicated followers or customers with special offers, exclusive content, or early access to new products or features.
  16. Real-time Engagement Tools: Utilize chatbots or live chat functions to interact with visitors in real-time.

While engaging your audience, drive them to your website to consume content and gain benefits for the things that interest them. This engagement will indirectly influence your SEO. Here’s how:

  1. Reduced Bounce Rate: When your content engages users, they spend more time on your site. Search engines, especially Google, can use user behavior signals like dwell time (how long a user stays on a page) to indicate the page’s quality. If visitors frequently bounce back quickly to the search results after clicking on your site, it might signal to search engines that your content doesn’t match the user’s intent or isn’t of high quality.
  2. Increased Click-Through Rate (CTR): Engaging meta titles and descriptions can improve the CTR from search engine results pages. Higher CTR can indicate to search engines that your page is a relevant and good answer to a user’s query.
  3. Social Sharing: Engaging content is likelier to be shared on social media. Although direct social signals (like likes or shares) aren’t confirmed as direct ranking factors, the visibility, additional traffic, and backlinks from social sharing can aid SEO.
  4. User-generated Content: Engaging your audience might lead to them creating content for you, like comments, reviews, or forum posts. This user-generated content can benefit SEO by providing fresh content, additional keywords, and keeping the page updated.
  5. Natural Link Building: High-quality, engaging content is more likely to earn backlinks from other websites. Backlinks remain one of the top-ranking factors for search engines.
  6. Increased Pageviews: Engaging content can lead visitors to explore more pages on your site, increasing the pageviews and showing search engines that users find your website valuable.
  7. Feedback and Optimization: Engaging with your audience can provide insights, especially if you encourage comments or feedback. Users might point out errors, suggest improvements, or ask questions, which can guide content updates and optimizations that make your pages even more relevant and comprehensive.
  8. Better User Experience: Engaging content often translates to a better user experience. Google has clarified that they aim to rank pages offering a high-quality user experience.
  9. Brand Search Volume: Engaging content can increase brand awareness and recall. As more people search for your brand, it can positively affect your site’s authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines.
  10. Voice Search Optimization: Engaging, natural content might be more likely to match people’s conversational queries in voice searches.

While audience engagement might not be a direct ranking factor in the same way that backlinks or on-page optimization are, the ripple effects of highly engaged users can indirectly boost SEO. The bridge between user engagement and SEO underscores the importance of holistic, user-centered digital strategies.

#11 Get More Reviews, Especially on Google

Securing more reviews, especially on Google Business Profile (GBP), is pivotal to improving local SEO rankings. Positive reviews signal to search engines the legitimacy and popularity of a business, often leading to improved positioning on result pages.

Having a high number of Google reviews with a high average score reflects high customer satisfaction, engendering trust in Google’s algorithm and potential customers. For instance, a local café that consistently receives five-star reviews on its GBP is likely to rank higher in local search results than competitors with less favorable reviews, thereby increasing visibility.

The benefits of Google reviews include:

  1. Builds Trust and Credibility: Consumers often rely on reviews to make informed decisions. A business with multiple positive reviews appears more trustworthy than one with few or negative reviews.
  2. Influence Purchase Decisions: According to various studies, a significant percentage of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase. Positive reviews can persuade a potential customer to choose one business over another.
  3. Improves Local SEO: Google reviews (both the quantity and overall rating) are one of the factors Google considers when determining local search rankings. A greater number of positive reviews can boost local search visibility.
  4. Provides Valuable Feedback: Reviews can serve as feedback for your business. They can help you understand what you’re doing right and where to improve.
  5. Encourages Engagement: Responding to positive and negative reviews shows that your business values customer feedback and is committed to resolving issues. This can further boost trust and loyalty.
  6. Drives More Clicks: A higher review rating can lead to higher click-through rates. When people see a business with many positive reviews, they’re likelier to click on it than others listed in the search results.
  7. Influences ‘Map Pack’ Placement: Google’s “Map Pack” (or local pack) showcases local businesses near the top of the first page of search results for location-based queries. A high number of positive reviews can influence your business’s placement in this crucial area.
  8. Creates a Competitive Advantage: Businesses with more positive Google reviews can stand out among competitors if all other factors are equal.
  9. Positive Impact on Revenue: Several studies suggest a direct correlation between the number of reviews and overall rating with business revenue. Having more positive reviews can lead to increased sales.
  10. Expands Brand Presence: Reviews contribute to word-of-mouth marketing in the digital age. When customers leave reviews, they extend the conversation about your brand, increasing awareness.
  11. Attracts Quality Employees: Not only do customers read reviews, but potential employees do. A business with positive reviews can attract quality talent.
  12. Helps with Problem-solving: Even negative reviews, if they are constructive, can be beneficial. By responding appropriately, they offer businesses a chance to address issues, improve operations, and demonstrate excellent customer service.

While getting more Google reviews is essential, ensuring they are genuine is equally crucial. Encouraging fake reviews or offering incentives for reviews can violate Google’s policies and damage your reputation. Always aim for authentic, honest feedback from your customers.

#12 Perform Keyword Research

Keyword research involves identifying words and phrases people enter into search engines. The ultimate aim is to generate traffic from searchers looking for products, services, or information available on your website.

Begin by understanding your niche, products and services, and market. Also, review competitors who are successful with SEO so that you learn what works for your industry. Then, list broad keywords that describe your niche, products and services, and market. Remember that local SEO is much easier and less expensive than national and international SEO, so if you have a local business, incorporate your location into your keywords. For example, a Realtor in Tampa may have keywords like:

  • Luxury real estate in Tampa, Florida.
  • Homes for sale in South Tampa.
  • Buy a home in Temple Terrace.
  • Sell a home in Brandon, Florida.

Next, use SEO keyword tools to discover keywords, especially long tail keywords. There are some free tools; however, making a small investment in at least one SEO keyword tool can pay huge dividends in the long run. Keyword tools include:

#13 Optimize for Keywords

Keyword optimization is using relevant keywords throughout your website to improve your ranking in search engine results pages. This is an integral part of SEO because it helps search engines understand your website content.

Remember that the user experience is most important for SEO. So, when optimizing for keywords, do so in a manner that enhances the user experience.

Here are some tips for optimizing for keywords:

  1. Choose the best keywords. Not all keywords are created equal. When choosing keywords to optimize for, it is important to consider factors such as search volume, competition, and relevance to your business. You can use keyword research tools to help you identify the right keywords to target.
  2. Use keywords throughout your website. Once you have chosen your keywords, you should use them throughout your website. This includes the title tag, meta description, headings, body text, and images. However, be careful not to keyword stuff, which is the practice of overusing keywords in your content unnaturally.
  3. Create high-quality content. Search engines are increasingly prioritizing high-quality content in their rankings. When creating content, ensure it is well-written, informative, and engaging.
  4. Use long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are more specific and less competitive than short-tail keywords. For example, instead of targeting “shoes,” you could target “women’s running shoes.”
  5. Use LSI (latent semantic indexing) keywords. LSI keywords are semantically related keywords that can help search engines understand your content’s context. For example, LSI keywords for the keyword “shoes” could include “sneakers,” “boots,” and “sandals.”
  6. Use keywords in your page titles and meta descriptions. The page title and meta description are the two snippets of text that appear in search results. Including your keywords in these elements can help to improve your click-through rate (CTR).
  7. Use keywords in your headings and subheadings. Headings and subheadings break up your content and make it easier to read. They also help search engines understand your content’s structure and identify the most important information.
  8. Use keywords in your body text. Keywords should be used throughout your body text, but be careful not to keyword stuff. Your content should be written naturally and should be easy to read.
  9. Use keywords in your image titles and alt text. You can add alt text to your images. Alt text is a short description of the image that appears when the image cannot be loaded. Including your keywords in your alt text can help to improve your image search rankings.
  10. Build backlinks. Backlinks are links from other websites to your own. Backlinks signal to search engines that your website is authoritative and trustworthy. You can build backlinks by creating high-quality content that other websites will want to link to.

Utilizing keywords in a strategic, balanced manner, ensuring they fit naturally into headers, image captions, and the main content, can significantly impact the site’s performance in search results. Furthermore, include keywords in URL slugs, page titles, and headings. However, saturating content with keywords may hurt rankings.

Using a website platform with SEO tools, such as WordPress, immensely helps with SEO and keywords. Top WordPress SEO plugins include:

#14 Use SEO-Optimized Anchor Text

While anchor text was previously considered a direct ranking signal, Google has devalued its significance in determining page rankings. However, anchor text can still indirectly impact SEO in several ways.

Anchor text refers to the clickable words used to link one web page to another. For example, in this hyperlink, “Learn more about SEO,” the words you see on this web page (Learn more about SEO) are the anchor text.

The best practices for SEO-optimized anchor text include:

  1. Relevance: Ensure the anchor text is relevant to the linked page’s content. Misleading anchor text can harm your site’s credibility and SEO rankings.
  2. Varied and Natural: Avoid using the same anchor text repeatedly. It’s essential to have a mix of branded, keyword-rich, and generic anchor text to avoid being flagged for over-optimization.
  3. Avoid Overstuffing: Steer clear of filling your anchor text with multiple keywords. It should read naturally and provide genuine value to readers.
  4. Use Descriptive Phrasing: Instead of generic terms like “click here” or “read more,” use descriptive anchor texts like “comprehensive SEO guide” or “benefits of SEO optimization.”

Tips for using SEO-optimized anchor text include:

  1. Use descriptive anchor text. The anchor text should be descriptive of the linked page. This will help users understand the page and decide whether they want to click on it.
  2. Use relevant anchor text. The anchor text should be relevant to the page content it links to. This helps search engines understand the relationship between the two pages and determine how relevant the linked page is to the search query.
  3. Use a variety of anchor text. Avoid using the same anchor text over and over again. Search engines see This as keyword stuffing and can harm your SEO. Instead, use a variety of anchor text that is descriptive and relevant to the linked page.
  4. Use natural anchor text. The anchor text should sound natural and should not be forced. Avoid using keyword-rich anchor text that sounds unnatural or spammy.
  5. Use exact match anchor text sparingly. Exact match anchor text is the same as the keyword that you are targeting. While exact match anchor text can be effective, it is vital to use it sparingly. Overusing exact match anchor text can be seen as keyword stuffing by search engines and can harm your SEO.
  6. Use partial match anchor text. Partial match anchor text is similar to the keyword you are targeting but is not the same. For example, if your target keyword is “best running shoes,” partial match anchor text could include “reviews of running shoes” or “running shoes on sale.” Partial match anchor text is an excellent way to avoid keyword stuffing and diversify your anchor text profile.
  7. Use branded anchor text. Branded anchor text is the name of your brand or business. Branded anchor text is a good way to build brand awareness and improve your brand’s reputation.
  8. Use long-tail anchor text. Long-tail anchor text is more specific than short-tail anchor text. For example, instead of using the anchor text “running shoes,” you could use the anchor text “best women’s running shoes for beginners.” Long-tail anchor text is a good way to target a specific audience and improve your chances of ranking for competitive keywords.

Anchor Text and Backlinks

One of the primary reasons SEO professionals emphasize anchor text is its role in backlink strategies. When other reputable websites link to your content using SEO-optimized anchor text, search engines interpret it as a sign of your content’s quality and relevance, potentially indirectly boosting your SEO ranking.

#15 Optimize Meta Tags

Meta tags are HTML tags that provide metadata about a web page. They reside within the section of the page’s source code. While numerous meta tags are available, not all directly impact SEO.

The most important meta tags for SEO, whether or not they directly impact SEO, include:

  1. Title Tag: It provides the web page’s title and is displayed prominently in search engine results pages (SERPs). An effective title tag should be relevant, concise, and incorporate the primary keyword or phrase for the page.
  2. Meta Description: This tag briefly summarizes a web page’s content. While it doesn’t directly impact rankings, a compelling meta description can significantly influence click-through rates from SERPs. It’s best to keep it under 160 characters and ensure it provides a concise, enticing summary of the page content.
  3. Meta Robots: This tag allows you to control how search engines index a page. Common directives include “noindex” (tells search engines not to index a page) and “nofollow” (tells search engines not to follow the links on a page).
  4. Canonical Tag: While technically a link element rather than a meta tag, the canonical tag is crucial for SEO. It helps you prevent duplicate content issues by specifying a web page’s “canonical” or “preferred” version.
  5. Hreflang Tag: This tag is essential for multilingual websites. It tells search engines the language and country a specific page relates to, ensuring the correct language version of a page is shown to searchers.
  6. Viewport Meta Tag: Essential for responsive web design, this meta tag tells the browser how to adjust the page’s dimensions and scaling to suit the device. It’s critical for mobile SEO to ensure that pages render correctly on various devices.
  7. Social Media “Open Graph” and “Twitter Card” Tags: While these tags don’t influence SEO directly, they control how content appears when shared on social platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Well-optimized tags can increase click-through rates from social media, indirectly benefiting SEO.
  8. Image Title Tag: This tag provides additional information about the image and is typically displayed as a tooltip when a user hovers over the image. While it doesn’t hold as much weight for SEO as the alt attribute, it can enhance user experience.
  9. Image Alt Tag: Though not a meta tag in the traditional sense, the alt attribute is vital for image SEO. It provides a text description for images, helping search engines understand the image content and improving accessibility.

The best practices for meta tag optimization include:

  1. Relevance: Ensure your meta tags, especially the title and description, are closely related to the page’s content.
  2. Uniqueness: Every page on your site should have a unique title and meta description to avoid duplication issues.
  3. Keyword Integration: Naturally integrate primary and secondary keywords into your title and description. Avoid keyword stuffing, which can lead to penalties.
  4. Use Schema Markup: Schema, or structured data markup, can be added to a page’s HTML to aid search engines and improve the page’s ranking. It’s not a traditional meta tag but acts similarly, providing richer information to search engines.

#16 Optimize for Mobile Usability: Mobile-Friendliness

Mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor for Google, so optimizing website pages for mobile usability is critical for SEO. Furthermore, there’s been a significant shift from desktop to mobile browsing.

For many people, especially in certain regions, a mobile device is their primary, if not only, gateway to the internet. This transition means that many potential audiences access your website through smartphones or tablets.

The best practices for mobile optimization include:

  1. Responsive Web Design: The cornerstone of mobile optimization is embracing responsive web design. This approach ensures your site looks and functions optimally across various device sizes. By using flexible grids and layouts, images, and strategic use of CSS media queries, your website can automatically adjust to accommodate different screen sizes.
  2. Touchscreen Readiness: Mobile devices primarily rely on touchscreen navigation. Ensure that interactive elements like buttons and links are large enough to tap and spaced sufficiently apart. This eliminates accidental clicks and enhances user experience.
  3. Optimize Images: Heavy images can significantly slow page loading times on mobile networks. Compress images without compromising quality, and consider implementing lazy loading, where images load only when they come into the viewport.
  4. Use Mobile-friendly Plugins: Ensure that plugins or third-party tools integrated into your site are mobile-friendly.
  5. Font Size and Style: Tiny text can deter mobile users. Ensure your font size is legible without requiring users to zoom in. Select clean, easy-to-read fonts and maintain good contrast between the text and the background.
  6. Avoid Pop-ups: Frequent or full-screen pop-ups can be particularly intrusive on mobile devices. If you must use them, ensure they’re easy to close and don’t harm the overall mobile user experience.
  7. Test Mobile Usability: Google Lighthouse is a tool built into Chrome that provides insights into how well your site performs on mobile devices. Also, use Google Search Console to monitor your website’s mobile usability.
  8. Page Speed: Mobile users often have limited patience for slow-loading pages, especially on the go. Utilize tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to identify and rectify factors slowing down your mobile site.
  9. Simplify Navigation: Mobile screens don’t offer the real estate that desktop monitors do. Prioritize essential navigation items, consider using a hamburger menu, and ensure users can easily find what they want.
  10. Streamlined Forms: When filling out forms on mobile, less is often more. Minimize the number of fields, use appropriate keyboard types for data entry (like numerical keyboards for phone numbers), and ensure error messages are clear and actionable.
  11. Clickable Elements: Beyond ensuring elements are adequately spaced, it’s essential to recognize that the hover functionality used on desktops doesn’t translate to mobile devices. Design clickable elements with mobile in mind, ensuring they are intuitive and provide immediate feedback when interacted with.
  12. Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of digital assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, voice search is becoming increasingly popular. Ensure your content is optimized for voice search by incorporating conversational keywords and answering common queries succinctly.
  13. Adapt to Varied Mobile Devices: Remember, the mobile world isn’t just about smartphones. Tablets, phablets, and even smartwatches are part of the ecosystem. Test your site across various devices to ensure a consistent user experience.
  14. Local Optimization: Mobile users often search for local information, such as restaurant locations or store hours. Make sure your local business details are updated, easily accessible, and optimized for mobile while taking advantage of your Google Business Profile.
  15. Turn Your Website into a Progressive Web App (PWA): PWAs combine the best of web and mobile apps. They are web pages that look and feel like an app, allowing users to interact with them offline, receive push notifications, and even access native device features.

#17 Optimize the Site Architecture

An often overlooked but crucial component of SEO, site structure plays a pivotal role in determining how search engines understand and rank your website. Moreover, it heavily influences user experience.

The best practices for optimizing website structure include:

  1. Logical Hierarchy: Start by establishing a clear and logical hierarchy. This typically encompasses a homepage, main categories, or services, followed by subcategories or individual pages/posts. Think of it as organizing a book with a title, chapters, and sub-chapters.
  2. URL Structure: A clear URL structure is pivotal. Each URL should be readable and convey the content’s essence. For instance, com/services/digital-marketing/seo gives a straightforward path and understanding of the page’s content.
  3. Shallow Depth: Users should reach any page on your site with the fewest clicks possible. Ideally, no page should be more than three to four clicks away from the homepage. This ensures ease of navigation and efficient crawling by search engines.
  4. Consistent Navigation: Keep navigation menus simple and consistent across the site. Overcomplicated menus can confuse users and dilute SEO value.
  5. Internal Linking: Strategically link your content. This guides visitors to related content and helps spread link equity across your website, bolstering the SEO value of individual pages.
  6. Sitemap: Having an XML sitemap aids search engines in understanding and indexing your site’s structure. Regularly update and submit your sitemap to major search engines.
  7. Breadcrumb Navigation: Breadcrumbs are secondary navigation schemes that reveal the user’s location on a website. They’re crucial for larger websites, providing users with a way back home or to a starting point.
  8. Avoid Duplicate Content: Ensure your content is unique across your site. Duplicate content can confuse search engines and diminish the perceived value of your pages.
  9. Mobile-first Design: With mobile browsing overtaking desktop, it’s essential that your site structure remains intuitive on mobile devices. Implement responsive design to ensure seamless navigation across various devices.
  10. SEO-friendly CMS: The platform you use to manage your website’s content can significantly influence your site structure. When paired with SEO plugins, platforms like WordPress offer a naturally SEO-friendly structure.
  11. Regular Audits: Conduct routine site audits to identify broken links, orphan pages, and other issues that might harm your site’s SEO or user experience.

#18 Optimize the User Experience: User-Friendliness

The nexus between user experience (UX) and SEO is undeniable. Google and other search engines prioritize providing users with the most relevant and user-friendly results. Thus, as you refine your website’s user experience, you bolster its SEO potential.

The best practices for optimizing the user experience include:

  1. Page Load Speed: The time it takes for your web page to load directly impacts user satisfaction. Users expect pages to load within a couple of seconds. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help diagnose and fix speed issues. Faster-loading pages not only retain users but are also preferred by search engines.
  2. Mobile Responsiveness: With significant web traffic originating from mobile devices, ensuring your site is mobile-friendly is non-negotiable. A responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes offers users a seamless browsing experience, reducing bounce rates and signaling your site’s quality to search engines.
  3. Intuitive Navigation: An easy-to-navigate site allows users to find information quickly. Logical site architecture, clear menus, and effective internal linking can guide users effortlessly through your content, increasing their time on your site.
  4. High-quality Content: Offering valuable and easy-to-digest content holds visitors’ attention. Break up text with subheadings, bullet points, and visuals. Ensure your content answers users’ queries and offers added value, establishing trust and authority in your niche.
  5. Interactive Elements: Interactive elements, when used judiciously, can enhance engagement. Tools like chatbots, surveys, or interactive infographics can keep users on your site longer, reducing bounce rates.
  6. Visual Design and Aesthetics: A clean, modern design can substantially impact a user’s first impression. Ensuring a balance between aesthetics and functionality can lead to a positive user experience.
  7. Clear Calls to Action (CTA): Direct and straightforward CTAs guide users toward the desired action, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or downloading a resource. Strategically placed CTAs can improve conversion rates, signaling site effectiveness to search engines.
  8. Feedback and User Input: Allow users to leave feedback, reviews, or comments. This not only boosts user engagement but also provides insights into areas of potential improvement.
  9. Accessibility: Your website should be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Proper site structure, alt text for images, and easily readable fonts can make your site more inclusive, enhancing its reach and usability.
  10. Regular Testing and Updates: Conduct A/B testing to determine what design or content elements resonate most with users. Regular updates based on feedback and analytics can ensure your site remains user-centric.

#19 Improve Page Speed

In today’s fast-paced digital world, speed is of the essence. Users demand quick, seamless online experiences, and search engines have taken notice. Therefore, page speed is critical to user satisfaction and has cemented its place as a significant SEO ranking factor.

Google’s Tools to Analyze and Monitor Page Speed

Google, recognizing the vital role that page speed plays in user experience and search rankings, has developed various tools to help you analyze, monitor, and improve your site’s loading times. Here is an overview of Google’s top tools to analyze and monitor page speed:

  • Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you monitor the performance of your website in Google Search. It includes several reports identifying page speed issues, such as the Core Web Vitals and Speed reports.
  • PageSpeed Insights is one of Google’s most well-known tools, providing mobile and desktop speed analysis. Enter a URL, and PSI will offer a performance score with actionable suggestions to enhance page speed. It also presents data from real-world user experiences through the Chrome User Experience Report.
  • Chrome UX (User Experience) Report offers user experience metrics for popular web destinations. Using usage data from Chrome users helps you understand how real-world users experience page load times, giving insights beyond lab simulations.
  • Chrome DevTools is embedded within the Chrome browser and includes web development and debugging tools. The ‘Performance’ tab allows users to profile the runtime of a page, identifying bottlenecks and slow-loading elements. The ‘Network’ tab, on the other hand, provides insights into server requests and load prioritization.
  • Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool that can audit a website’s performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more. It’s integrated with Chrome DevTools, but you can also run it from the command line or as a Node module. Lighthouse produces a detailed report with performance metrics and recommendations for improvement.
  • Google Analytics has a ‘Site Speed’ section that offers insights into how quickly users can see and interact with content. It showcases metrics like Average Page Load Time, giving a broader understanding of performance across different devices and geographic locations.

Additional tools to analyze page speed include, WebPageTest, and Pingdom.

By using the tools above to analyze and monitor page speed, you can make appropriate changes to your website to improve page speed, thus improving SEO. Some of the changes may include:

  1. Optimize Images: High-resolution images can significantly slow down your website. Compress images without compromising quality and use a modern image format like WebP. Always set a width and height attribute to help browsers allocate space efficiently.
  2. Leverage Server Caching: Server caching is a method used to store data temporarily on the server side to speed up web processes and reduce the time it takes to serve content to users. Instead of generating content or querying the database whenever a page is requested, the server can deliver a cached version of the content, which is typically faster. Hence, the best server cache includes a static version of web pages, speeding up page load times.
  3. Leverage Browser Caching: By storing parts of your site in a user’s browser cache, you can reduce server requests, making subsequent page loads faster. Tools like W3 Total Cache can help implement caching for WordPress sites.
  4. Minimize Code: Excess or redundant code can bog down your website. Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML where possible to streamline your site’s codebase, leading to quicker load times.
  5. Use Content Distribution Networks (CDNs): CDNs store copies of your website on servers worldwide. This ensures that users can load your site from a server close to them, reducing latency and improving speed.
  6. Limit Redirects: Each redirect triggers an additional HTTP request, delaying the time it takes for the page to load. Streamline user journeys by minimizing the number of redirects on your site.
  7. Optimize Server Response Times: The efficiency of your server can impact load times. Regularly assess your server’s performance, and consider upgrading hosting solutions if needed.
  8. Prioritize Above-the-Fold Content: Leverage techniques like lazy loading, which delays loading images and other elements below the fold until the user scrolls to them. This ensures that the immediately visible content loads first.
  9. Reduce Server Requests: Limit the number of elements that require an HTTP request to load, such as scripts, images, and stylesheets. Combining CSS or JS files where possible can help reduce these requests.
  10. Stay Updated: Ensure that all website components, including plugins, themes, and content management systems, are up-to-date. Developers often release updates that improve performance and speed.

#20 Build Internal Links

Internal linking refers to connecting one website page to another on the same website or domain.

Internal linking is an often underutilized SEO strategy, but it’s one of the most efficient ways to strengthen your website’s search presence. By creating a robust network of links within your site, you can guide your users through a tailored journey and give search engines a clearer understanding of your website’s structure and the importance of individual pages.

The significance of building internal links includes the following:

  1. Distributes Page Authority and Increases the Time Spent on the Site: At its core, internal linking connects various pages within your website. This helps distribute page authority throughout your site and increases the likelihood of users spending more time exploring your content.
  2. Improved Website Navigation: Internal links facilitate smoother navigation, allowing users to quickly move from one page to another. This can improve user experience and lead to a decrease in bounce rate.
  3. Contextual Relevance: By linking related articles and pages, you provide context to search engines about the content on your site. For example, linking a blog post about “beginner’s guide to SEO” to an advanced guide can help search engines understand the progression and depth of your content.
  4. Boosts Page Authority: Every website has highly authoritative pages, usually the homepage or other cornerstone content. By internally linking from these high-authority pages to less prominent ones, you can spread the authority, potentially raising the prominence of lesser-known content.
  5. Enhances Content Discoverability: Search engine bots crawl websites by following links. A well-integrated internal link structure ensures all your pages are discovered and indexed.

Building internal links should be strategic, putting the user experience as the top priority for linking between pages. The best practices for interlinking pages include:

  1. Be Relevant and Natural: Always link contextually. If you’re discussing a particular topic, link to pages on your site that expand or offer related information.
  2. Use Descriptive Anchor Text: Avoid generic terms like “click here.” Instead, use anchor text that describes the linked content, such as “advanced SEO strategies.”
  3. Avoid Overloading: While internal linking is beneficial, overdoing it can confuse users and search engines. Always prioritize user experience and link only when it adds value.
  4. Regularly Check for Broken Links: Internal links can sometimes break as you change your website. Periodically auditing and fixing broken links ensures a smooth user experience and maintains the integrity of your link structure.

#21 Link Out to High-Quality, Relevant Pages

Outbound links, often referred to as “external links,” are links on a website that point to other domains or websites. These links direct the visitor away from their current website to a different site. In the context of SEO, outbound links have several implications and potential benefits that include:

  1. Enhancing Content Value: Outbound links can be used to provide references or more in-depth information about a particular topic, giving readers a comprehensive understanding and adding credibility to your content.
  2. Demonstrating E-E-A-T: E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Google emphasizes these criteria in its guidelines for content evaluators. Linking to authoritative and relevant sources can support and elevate the E-E-A-T of your content.
  3. Relationship Building: By linking out to other content creators or industry experts, you can foster professional relationships, which might benefit collaborations or future link-building efforts.
  4. User Experience (UX): Quality outbound links can enhance the user experience by offering readers additional resources related to the content they consume. This can lead to increased time spent on your site and lower bounce rates, positively influencing SEO.
  5. Balancing the Link Profile: While inbound links (links pointing to your site) are crucial for SEO, having a natural mix of inbound and outbound links can make a site’s link profile appear more organic and less manipulative to search engines.

As with most everything with SEO, linking out to other websites can be harmful when done improperly. The best practices for outbound linking include:

  1. Prioritize the User Experience and Relevance: Always ensure that the pages you’re linking out to are directly relevant to the content or context of your post.
  2. Choose Trustworthy Sources: Avoid linking to spammy, low-quality websites. Instead, focus on well-established sites with a strong reputation in their respective fields.
  3. Use Descriptive Anchor Text: Make your anchor text descriptive of what readers can expect when clicking the link. Avoid using ambiguous terms or overly generic phrases.
  4. Avoid Overlinking: While linking out is beneficial, excessive outbound links can be distracting and appear spammy. Ensure every link offers genuine value to your readers.
  5. Monitor Outbound Links: Regularly ensure your outbound links are active and the content they point to remains high-quality and relevant.

#22 Fix Broken Links

Broken links refer to links that, when clicked, lead users to a web page that is either non-existent or inaccessible. These internal or external links are essentially “dead ends” on the internet; thus, they are called “dead links.”

The most common result of a broken link is a 404 error page, indicating that the desired page cannot be found. This error can arise for several reasons, including:

  1. Page Deletion: The linked page has been deleted or moved without a redirect being set up.
  2. URL Alteration: The URL of the linked page was changed without updating the linking page.
  3. Domain Expiry: The domain to which an external link points has expired or is no longer in use.
  4. Site Downtime: The server where the website resides is temporarily down.
  5. Linking Errors: Mistakes made while entering the URL can lead to broken links.

Common sense alone tells us that broken links are harmful to SEO. Perhaps the two top reasons are:

  1. They Degrade the User Experience: A user clicking on a link expects to find relevant content. Landing on a 404 error page can be frustrating and might deter visitors from further exploring your website. Therefore, broken links negatively impact your conversion rates while increasing bounce rates and decreasing time spent on the site.
  2. They Erode Search Engine Trust: Search engines aim to provide the best user experience. A website with numerous broken links can be perceived as neglected or outdated, potentially affecting its credibility and rank. Therefore, broken links can negatively affect your SEO rankings by suggesting to search engines that your website is outdated and poorly maintained.

Finding and fixing broken links was difficult many years ago, but modern technology has simplified this task. Steps to fix broken links include:

  1. Use Software to Identify Broken Links: If you are serious about SEO, you use software to help you with several tasks. Fortunately, many of these applications also find broken links, such as Google Search Console, Ahrefs, Semrush, and Ubbersuggest. Also, WordPress plugins that can help with broken links include AIOSEO and Yoast SEO.
  2. Internal Broken Links: Set up redirects when appropriate for internal pages that no longer exist, then update the internal link.
  3. External Broken Links: Update or remove the link to external pages that no longer exist.
  4. Broken Inbound Links: Set up redirects when appropriate to reclaim inbound links. If a redirect is not an option, contact the referring site’s webmaster and request that they update the link to point to a different page on your site when appropriate.
  5. Monitor for Broken Links: Monitor your website for broken links and fix them as soon as possible to preserve your SEO.

#23 Build High-Quality Backlinks

High-quality backlinks are a cornerstone of effective SEO. These are links from other reputable websites pointing to your site, serving as endorsements or votes of confidence in the eyes of search engines. Such links can significantly elevate your website’s authority, credibility, and ranking in search results.

First, let’s review the backlinks you don’t want for SEO. These include:

  1. Public Link Networks: These are networks where you can buy links. Though they may temporarily boost rankings, search engines like Google have become adept at identifying these networks. Once detected, they can penalize or even de-index sites associated with them.
  2. Private Link Networks: Like public link networks, private networks are groups of sites controlled by a single entity, built to generate backlinks. Search engines frown upon this tactic, and if identified, the involved websites can face severe penalties.
  3. Links from Irrelevant Sites: If you have backlinks from sites irrelevant to your content or industry, search engines may perceive these as manipulative or unnatural. For instance, a tech blog should not get backlinks from a pet grooming site.
  4. Links from Spammy Sites: Links from sites that are recognized as spammy or malicious can tarnish your website’s reputation by association. It’s essential to regularly audit your backlink profile and disavow any links from such dubious sources.
  5. Excessive Exact-Match Anchor Text Links: While having some exact-match anchor text can be beneficial, an overabundance can appear unnatural. If most of your incoming links use the same anchor text, especially a commercial keyword, search engines might see it as manipulative, potentially leading to penalties.
  6. Press Release Links: Press release backlinks can be bad for SEO when companies continuously use this method to amplify their backlink profile and enhance SEO. This tactic essentially attempts to deceive search engines, which is a long-term losing game. Modern search engines are highly sophisticated and will disregard or penalize such practices.
  7. Discussion Forum and Blog Comment Links: Similar to press release backlinks, links in discussion forums and blog comments for link-building purposes generally have no value and can even become harmful.
  8. Footer and Sidebar Links: Backlinks in a website’s footer and sidebar are of little to no value and can harm SEO. SEO hacks have used links in the footer and sidebar for years, and search engines often ignore them and, in some extreme cases, can penalize a website for having an excessive amount of these links.

Building high-quality backlinks, especially with high-quality content that organically earns backlinks for authority sites, is a priority for SEO. The importance of high-quality backlinks includes:

  1. Authority and Trust: Links from authoritative websites can boost your site’s perceived authority and trustworthiness in a given niche or industry.
  2. Ranking Signal: Search engines consider backlinks a critical ranking signal, emphasizing the quantity and, more importantly, the quality of links pointing to a site.
  3. Referral Traffic: Beyond SEO, backlinks can drive relevant and potentially high-converting traffic directly to your site.

Strategies to build high-quality backlinks include:

  1. Content Creation: Produce valuable, original, and shareable content that others naturally want to link to. This can consist of in-depth articles, infographics, or data-driven studies.
  2. Guest Blogging: Guest posting involves writing articles for other reputable websites in your industry. Not only does this position you as an authority in your field, but it also provides an opportunity for a backlink to your site. Ensure that the content you contribute is of the highest quality and relevant to the audience of the host website.
  3. Help a Reporter Out (HARO): HARO is a service that enables authority news and blog sites to reach out to industry professionals for information needed for an article. The writer may link to your website if your contribution is used in the article.
  4. Relationship Building: Engage with industry influencers, bloggers, and other relevant entities. Building genuine relationships can lead to natural link-building opportunities.
  5. Skyscraper Technique: Identify popular content within your niche and create something even better. Then, reach out to those linked to the original content and introduce them to your enhanced version.
  6. Testimonials and Reviews: Providing authoritative testimonials for products or services you’ve used can sometimes earn you a backlink from the provider’s website.
  7. Broken Link Building: Find broken links on other websites relevant to your content. Reach out to the site owner, suggest your content as a replacement, and earn a backlink.

#24 Build Local Citations

A significant component of local SEO is local citations. A local citation is any online mention of a local business’s name, address, phone number, and website.

These citations can be found on local business directories, websites, apps, and social platforms. They serve a dual purpose: to provide potential customers with accurate information about your business and to signal to search engines the relevance and legitimacy of your business within a specific geographic area.

Building and maintaining accurate local citations can enhance your business’s visibility on search engines, drive organic traffic, and foster trust among your target audience. However, citations on low-quality websites are useless and could harm SEO.

Major websites, directories, and services to build local citations include:

  1. Google Business Profile (GBP): The most important directory for local SEO is Google Business Profile, which puts the business in Google Maps and local Google search results. Create or claim your GBP, verify it, and optimize it with accurate information, engaging photos, and regular updates. Furthermore, encourage client reviews, which can move you up in search results.
  2. Bing Places for Business: Similar to Google Business Profile, Bing Places lists the business on Bing Maps and local Bing search results.
  3. Map Services: Beyond Google Maps, list your business in other map services like Apple Maps and MapQuest.
  4. Social Media Platforms: Major social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X allow businesses to create profiles with their name, address, phone number, and website.
  5. Local Directories: Websites like Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Foursquare are popular directories where users search for local businesses. Depending on your location, geographic-specific directories, such as Visit Florida, might also cater to your region.
  6. Industry-Specific Directories: Creating a profile in authoritative industry-specific directories is essential for local SEO and demonstrating credibility in the given field. Examples of industry-specific directors include and Health Grades.
  7. Local Chamber of Commerce Websites: Many local chambers have directories of businesses that are members.
  8. Data Aggregators: Companies like Neustar Localeze, Factual, Acxiom, and Data Axle feed business information to numerous platforms. Using these services can aid in building and maintaining local citations.

Additional opportunities for local citations that are often overlooked include:

  1. Local News and Media Websites: Being mentioned or featured in local newspapers, magazines, or news websites can provide a significant citation for your business.
  2. Authoritative Review Websites: Platforms like Trustpilot, Angie’s List, or niche-specific review platforms can also serve as citation sources.
  3. Authoritative Event Websites: If you host or participate in local events, websites that promote these events often offer business listings associated with the event.

When building local citations, the key is consistency. Ensure that your business’s name, address, phone number, and website are consistent across all platforms, including government databases with corporate records, registrations, licenses, permits, tax filings, and other related documents.

#25 Fix Crawlability and Indexability Errors

Ensuring search engines can efficiently crawl and index your website is foundational to SEO. Crawlability and indexability errors can hinder a website’s visibility on search engine results pages and negatively impact organic traffic.

What are crawlability and indexability of a website?

  • Crawlability refers to a search engine’s ability to access and navigate through the pages of your website.
  • Indexability is the ability of a search engine to analyze and add a page to its index.

Identifying Crawlability and Indexability Errors

Identifying crawlability and indexability errors is paramount for SEO since they directly interfere with search engines’ ability to access the website and include the website pages in search results.

Use tools to identify crawlability and indexability errors. The most important tool is Google Search Console, which includes information about pages with crawl and index errors.

Crawlability errors include:

  1. 404 Errors (Not Found): When the server can’t locate the requested URL, typically due to broken or outdated links.
  2. 500 Internal Server Error: A generic error message indicating server-side problems.
  3. 503 Service Unavailable: Indicates that the server is temporarily unable to handle the request, often due to maintenance or overloading.
  4. Robots.txt Disallowances: The “Disallow” command in the robots.txt file can block search engines from accessing specific pages or directories.
  5. Blocked Resources: This includes essential resources like CSS or JS files that are blocked from crawling.
  6. URL Parameters: Complex URL parameters can cause search engines to crawl duplicate content or lead them into crawl traps.
  7. Infinite Loops: This includes navigation structures or URL parameters that cause search engines to crawl the same pages repeatedly.
  8. Orphaned Pages: This includes pages that aren’t linked to from any part of your website and thus can’t be reached by crawlers.
  9. Slow Loading Pages: Pages that take too long to load can be abandoned by crawlers.
  10. Misconfigured HTTP/HTTPS: Mixed content issues or not properly redirecting HTTP to HTTPS can cause crawl issues.

Indexability errors include:

  1. No-Index Meta Tag: Using the content=”noindex” tag tells search engines not to index the page.
  2. Canonicalization Issues: Misuse of the rel=”canonical” tag can lead search engines to ignore certain pages.
  3. Duplicate Content: Multiple URLs with the same or similar content can confuse search engines about which version to index.
  4. Thin Content: Pages with very little or low-quality content may not be indexed.
  5. Cloaking: Showing different content to search engines than users can lead to de-indexing.
  6. Unintended No-Follow Tags: Using the rel=”nofollow” attribute on internal links can prevent search engines from following and indexing the linked page.
  7. XML Sitemap Issues: Missing pages, including non-existent pages, or not updating your XML sitemap can lead to indexation problems.
  8. Misconfigured Language/Region Tags: Incorrect implementation of hreflang tags can hinder indexation in international SEO.
  9. Flash or Unsupported Media: Content created using outdated or unsupported technology might not be indexed.
  10. Blocked by X-Robots-Tag: Similar to the meta robots tag but used in the HTTP header, this can prevent indexing.
  11. Mobile-Only 404s: This occurs when desktop users can access pages but return a 404 for mobile users.
  12. Content Hidden Behind Forms: Search engines generally can’t index content that requires form submission.
  13. Interstitial Pop-ups: Intrusive interstitials can lead to indexation issues, especially on mobile.

Fixing Crawlability and Indexability Errors

Once crawlability and indexability errors are identified, they should be fixed quickly. Here are some of the most common errors and a brief overview of how to fix them:

  1. 404 Errors (Not Found): Implement 301 redirects to guide users and search engines from the broken URL to a relevant, live page. For links on external websites, request an update to the correct URL if possible.
  2. 500 Internal Server Error: Consult with your hosting provider or web development team to identify and resolve server-side issues. Ensure server resources are adequate for your website traffic.
  3. 503 Service Unavailable: This error is often temporary. However, if it persists, contact your hosting provider. Ensure server resources are adequate for your website traffic.
  4. Robots.txt Disallowances: Check your robots.txt file and ensure you aren’t unintentionally blocking important pages or resources. Use the “robots.txt tester” tool in Google Search Console for validation.
  5. Blocked Resources: Ensure essential resources (CSS, JS) are not disallowed in robots.txt. Check and update the permissions for these resources.
  6. URL Parameters & Infinite Loops: Configure URL parameters in Google Search Console to guide Googlebot on how to handle them. Avoid deep URL nesting and keep URL structures simple.
  7. Orphaned Pages: Regularly crawl and review your site’s structure. Ensure that all essential pages are linked from at least one other page on your website.
  8. Slow Loading Pages: Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and minimize server response times. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights for recommendations.
  9. Misconfigured HTTP/HTTPS: Ensure that you have an SSL set up. Set up proper 301 redirects from HTTP to HTTPS versions of your site. Ensure all internal links point to the HTTPS version.
  10. No-Index Meta Tag & Canonicalization Issues: Review your site’s meta tags. Ensure only pages you intentionally want to exclude from indexing contain the “noindex” directive. Correctly use the rel=”canonical” tag, ensuring it points to the preferred version of the page.
  11. Duplicate & Thin Content: Use canonical tags to indicate preferred content to search engines. Merge, redirect, or enhance thin content pages to add value.
  12. Cloaking & Unintended No-Follow Tags: Ensure that user content matches what search engines see. Check internal links to ensure valuable pages aren’t accidentally marked with rel=”nofollow.”
  13. XML Sitemap Issues: Regularly update your sitemap to include new pages and exclude non-existent ones. Submit the updated sitemap to search engines through their respective webmaster tools.
  14. Misconfigured Language/Region Tags & Mobile-Only 404s: Implement hreflang tags correctly for multilingual or multiregional sites. Test your website’s mobile version to ensure all pages load correctly.
  15. Content Behind Forms & Interstitial Pop-ups: Ensure valuable SEO content is accessible without form submission. Avoid intrusive interstitials, especially on mobile, as they can hinder user experience and SEO.

Regularly monitor your website using Google Search Console and other SEO tools to identify crawlability and indexability errors. Setting up regular site audits can help you proactively identify and rectify crawlability and indexability issues.

#26 Website Security: Maintenance, Hosting, SSL Certificates

Although often overlooked, a website’s security is essential for SEO. This includes an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate encrypting the data transmitted between a user’s browser and the website’s server. The encryption ensures that sensitive information remains private and protected from malicious actors. For SEO purposes, SSL certificates are crucial for establishing trust.

Google proactively promotes secure web browsing. Websites without SSL certificates are marked as “Not Secure” in the Chrome browser’s address bar, potentially deterring visitors and penalizing the website. In contrast, websites with SSL certificates show a “Lock Icon” in the address bar.

For most website owners, especially those not doing ecommerce, website security is as simple as choosing high-quality maintenance and hosting for your website. Although this level of service costs a little more than economy hosting, it benefits SEO.

Tasks to achieve and maintain website security include:

  1. Regular Audits: Regularly audit your website’s security settings to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats. Tools like website security scanners and penetration testing can help uncover weaknesses that might harm your SEO.
  2. Update Software: Outdated content management systems (CMS), plugins, and themes can be vulnerable to security breaches. Keep your CMS and associated components up to date to prevent exploitation by cybercriminals.
  3. Secure Hosting: A secure hosting environment is the foundation for a secure website. Shared hosting can pose risks, so consider dedicated or virtual private server (VPS) options for greater control.
  4. Implement Firewalls: Firewalls can thwart various cyberattacks at the server and application level. Ensure your website has a robust firewall to protect against DDoS attacks and SQL injections.
  5. SSL Certificate Renewal: SSL certificates have expiration dates. Monitor the expiry dates and renew them promptly to prevent security warnings and maintain SEO benefits.
  6. Incident Response: Have a well-defined incident response plan in place. In the unfortunate event of a security breach, a prompt and effective response can minimize damage to your SEO rankings and reputation.
  7. User Education: Educate your team about security best practices, such as strong password management and phishing awareness. Human error is often the weakest link in web security.

#27 Fix Redirects

Redirects are directives that send users from one URL to another. In other words, they guide users and search engines from one URL to another.

Redirects serve various purposes, including URL changes, content consolidation, and error resolution. However, the improper use or mishandling of redirects can adversely affect your SEO efforts. Misconfigured or excessive redirects can slow down your website, create crawl inefficiencies, and lead to a loss of SEO authority, ultimately affecting your site’s visibility in search results.

To help avoid problems and monitor redirects,  use SEO software that also includes redirect management. For WordPress, the two top choices are Yoast and AIOSEO.

Types of redirects include:

  1. 301 Redirects (Permanent Redirects): These redirects signal to search engines that the change is permanent and transfer SEO value to the new URL. Properly implemented 301 redirects are essential when changing URLs or consolidating content.
  2. 302 Redirects (Temporary Redirects): While suitable for temporary changes, 302 redirects do not transfer SEO equity like 301 redirects. Overusing temporary redirects can lead to SEO complications.
  3. Meta Refresh Redirects: Meta refresh redirects are client-side redirects often used for automatic redirection after a specific time; however, they are not recommended for SEO purposes. Search engines may not handle them as efficiently as HTTP status code-based redirects.

Although redirects are essential for SEO, they can destroy a website’s SEO when mismanaged. Common redirect issues include:

  1. Redirect Chains: When multiple redirects occur in succession, it creates a redirect chain. These chains can hinder page loading speed, dilute SEO value, and lead to poor user experiences. In worse cases, a redirect chain can result in a WordPress “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” error page, which signifies a redirect loop failed to connect to the target URL.
  2. 404 Errors: Broken links and missing pages result in 404 errors, harming your SEO rankings and user satisfaction.
  3. Incorrect Redirect Types: Using the wrong type of redirect for a situation, such as using a 302 instead of a 301, can lead to SEO issues. Ensure you choose the appropriate redirect type for each scenario.

Implementing strategies to manage redirects is essential, especially if you have a team working on your website. These strategies can include:

  1. Website Plugin: As mentioned above, using a website plugin to manage redirects is extremely helpful. For WordPress, the two top choices are Yoast and AIOSEO.
  2. Regular Audits: Conduct routine audits of your website’s redirects to detect and rectify issues promptly. Utilize tools like Screaming Frog or Google Search Console to identify redirects.
  3. 301 Redirects: Whenever you encounter permanent URL changes, consistently implement 301 redirects. These convey to search engines that the change is permanent and transfer SEO authority to the new URL.
  4. Redirect Mapping: Create a comprehensive redirect map outlining old URLs and their corresponding new destinations. This helps ensure a smooth transition during website restructuring.
  5. Regular Monitoring: Continuously monitor your website for new redirect issues, URL changes, or alterations in site structure. Proactive maintenance is essential for preventing SEO setbacks.

#28 Fix Canonical Tags

Canonical tags (rel=canonical) are HTML tags used to indicate the preferred version of a web page when multiple URLs contain similar or duplicate content. Canonicalization helps search engines discern which page is the primary source, mitigating the risks of duplicate content penalties.

Utilizing canonicalization to designate master pages proves valuable when dealing with two highly similar pages you wish to retain. This scenario arises when both pages offer utility, yet you prefer that Google grant higher-ranking authority to one over the other. This approach serves the dual purpose of averting content cannibalization and mitigating instances of identical or duplicated content appearing across multiple URLs. Essentially, it provides Google with clear guidance on the preferred version of the URL to showcase in the search engine results pages.

Therefore, failing to implement canonical tags correctly can result in search engines indexing multiple versions of the same content. This can lead to diluted SEO value, lowered rankings, and confusion among search algorithms.

Strategies to effectively manage canonicalization include:

  1. Use an SEO Audit Tool: To help you find canonical problems, use an SEO audit tool. These tools include Google Search Console, Semrush, Ubbersuggest, and SEO PowerSuite.
  2. Audit Existing Tags: Conduct a thorough audit of your website’s canonical tags. Identify pages where canonicalization may be necessary or incorrect canonical tags exist.
  3. Proper Implementation: Ensure that canonical tags are correctly implemented on pages with duplicate or similar content. These tags should point to the preferred canonical version of the page.
  4. Dynamic Canonicalization: Implement dynamic canonicalization for e-commerce sites or dynamically generated content to automatically assign canonical tags based on set rules or parameters.
  5. XML Sitemaps: Include canonical URLs in your XML sitemaps to provide search engines with clear signals regarding your preferred page versions.

#29 Monitor Your SEO Progress

Monitoring your SEO progress is integral to a successful digital marketing strategy. Regularly assessing and adapting based on the performance data can significantly influence the trajectory of your site’s visibility in search engine results.

Why Monitor Your SEO Progress?

Monitoring your SEO progress ensures that your efforts are effective, efficient, and aligned with your business objectives. The top reasons to monitor your SEO progress include:

  1. Insight into Performance: Keeping track helps identify what’s working and what isn’t in your SEO strategy.
  2. Swift Adaptation: With rapid insights, you can quickly make necessary changes before minor issues become more significant problems.
  3. Competitive Edge: By continually optimizing, you can stay ahead of competitors who might not be as diligent.
  4. ROI Calculation: Demonstrating the return on investment is essential for justifying costs and efforts put into SEO.

Key Metrics to Monitor

The top SEO metrics to monitor include:

  1. Organic Traffic: The number of visitors visiting your site through search engines.
  2. Keyword Rankings: Monitor where your website ranks for specific keywords or phrases.
  3. Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who navigate away after viewing only one page.
  4. Click-Through Rate (CTR): The ratio of users who click on a link compared to the number of total users who view the page.
  5. Backlink Profile: Number and quality of other websites linking to yours.
  6. Page Load Speed: The time your website’s pages take to load can significantly affect user experience and search rankings.
  7. Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who take a desired action, like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

Tools for Monitoring SEO Progress

Using a combination of SEO tools to monitor progress can provide a well-rounded view of your SEO activities and outcomes. SEO tools that help monitor progress include:

  1. Google Analytics: Offers insights into website traffic, user behavior, and traffic sources.
  2. Google Search Console: Helps monitor indexing status, visibility issues, and keyword performance.
  3. Semrush: Provides a comprehensive suite of tools, including keyword tracking, site audits, and competitive analysis.
  4. Ahrefs: Focuses on backlink analysis, keyword tracking, and site health monitoring.
  5. Moz Pro: Offers tools for keyword research, link building, site audits, and page optimization insights.
  6. Ubbersuggest: Key features include keyword research, competitor analysis, content ideas, backlink monitoring, SERP analysis, and rank tracking.
  7. SEO PowerSuite: Desktop SEO software suite that includes Rank Tracker, WebSite Auditor, SEO SpyGlass, and LinkAssistant.


What does SEO mean?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) pertains to optimizing a website’s content and technical aspects to improve its visibility on search engine results pages. It relies heavily on Google’s algorithms and focuses on critical areas like site structure, speed, mobile-friendliness, and correct use of on-page SEO elements.

What are the 4 pillars of SEO best practices?

The four pillars of SEO best practices are page loading speed, high-quality content, link optimization, and mobile optimization.

  • Improving page loading speed enhances user experience and reduces visitor bounce rates.
  • High-quality content attracts and retains visitors, converting them into repeat users.
  • Optimizing links consists of implementing a strategy for both inbound and outbound links.
  • Mobile optimization ensures a site is accessible and navigable on mobile devices, which is crucial given the escalating trend of mobile internet usage.

Why does your Google ranking still matter?

Google rankings, a numerical order assigned by Google’s algorithms to search results, have a remarkable significance in today’s digitally-driven world. For businesses, effective utilization of these rankings can have a profound impact on visibility and success. According to data, the higher a page’s ranking, the more likely users are to click through to its content. For instance, the click-through rate for the #1 ranking result on the first page of Google can be more than ten times higher than the #10 ranking result on the page.

How can you improve website rankings on your own?

Improving website rankings involves a comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) approach.

  • Publish quality SEO content. For example, producing high-quality blog posts or articles that provide relevant and valuable information can enhance visibility.
  • Improve website loading speed since slow-loading pages can lead to higher bounce rates.
  • Optimize images using the appropriate size and resolution while including title and alt tags for accessibility and SEO.
  • Additional steps include regularly updating the website and its content, identifying and fixing broken links, optimizing meta information, earning backlinks, and utilizing Google Analytics to monitor performance.

What’s on-page SEO, and how can you improve it?

On-page SEO refers to optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and gain more relevant traffic in search engines. This technique involves incorporating strategic keywords into the page’s content without over-optimization. In addition to this, the meta description, headings, and page title may also contain the keyword.

  • Ensure the page has quality content with relevant keywords and phrases. Such content needs to be both informative and engaging.
  • Including strategic keywords in the headers and text can substantially impact SEO.
  • Addressing technical issues, earning backlinks, and improving user experience are crucial for enhancing on-page SEO.

Can adding FAQ sections to my page improve SEO rankings?

Yes, incorporating FAQ sections can indeed aid in ranking higher for long-tail keywords.

How do I find common questions for my topic to answer?

Use tools like Answer the Public to find questions people use to find answers related to specific topics.

Can responding on Q&A sites improve my website’s visibility?

Responding to questions on websites rarely improves SEO. In some cases, it can harm SEO. In general, if you answer questions organically on high-quality sites as a community member without any intentions toward SEO and without including spammy links to your website, you won’t hurt your site, and it may occasionally help SEO.

How does optimizing for featured snippets influence SEO rankings?

Google prioritizes informative and relevant sites in its SERPs. By asking questions as H2 tags, providing concise answers, and using lists for processes, you enhance the chances of your page’s information featuring in these snippets.

How are question keywords beneficial for SEO?

Question keywords are valuable as they represent specific concerns of the target audience and typically face less competition. Therefore, answering these questions in articles benefits SEO.

What are Google’s Featured Snippets, and how can I utilize them for SEO?

Google’s Featured Snippets are unique boxes displayed prominently at the top of its search result pages (SERPs), offering users a concise response to their search question. These snippets can manifest in diverse formats, such as paragraphs, lists, tables, and videos.

Your content should be of superior quality, pertinent to the user’s search, and easily understandable to qualify for a Featured Snippet. The structure of your content is also a deciding factor for Google, as specific content forms, like lists and tables, are frequently preferred for snippets when addressing informational queries.

How can I improve my SEO keyword ranking?

SEO keyword ranking refers to the position of a website’s content on search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords. To ascend in the rankings:

  • Find relevant keyword ideas. This involves researching words or phrases related to the website’s content or industry that users may input into search engines.
  • Ensure to strategically place these keywords within the content, URL, page titles, and headings without over-stuffing.
  • Enhance user experience by increasing page loading speed and optimizing the site for mobile devices.
  • Keep the website updated and continually produce high-quality content.
  • Make the content shareable on social media platforms to boost visibility.

How can you help search engines crawl and index your website?

Helping search engines to crawl and index a website effectively is crucial in making a website searchable.

  • Allow search engine bots, such as Googlebot, to crawl your site unobstructed, which entails reading the website’s content.
  • Ensure your pages are indexed in the search engine’s database. For instance, Google uses the Google Index.
  • Avoid using ‘noindex tags’ that prevent Google from indexing a page.
  • Ensure regular website updates, with significant changes potentially providing a ‘freshness boost’ to your web pages. For instance, a blog post published over a year ago could benefit significantly from updated content and visuals.
  • Making the website user-friendly regarding site structure and navigation can aid search crawlers in discovering and indexing site pages.

How do you get searchers to stay on a page for three minutes or more?

User engagement is critical for SEO rankings. Research highlights two key factors: a low bounce rate and lengthy dwell time. Several proven strategies can optimize for these and improve SEO rankings:

  • Develop longer, in-depth content: HubSpot reports that long-form content enhances backlink portfolios, which can increase dwell time.
  • Maintain fresh and novel content: Informative and newsworthy information can often extend visit durations.
  • Utilize subheadings and actionable images.
  • Write concise paragraphs: Shorter paragraphs can minimize eyestrain, keeping visitors on your site longer.

What’s the number one way websites are getting links these days?

The primary strategy for websites to acquire links currently is via content marketing. However, an alternative approach that has proven more beneficial in generating backlinks and traffic over time is releasing free online tools.

How can I make improvements to my SEO?

Improving SEO rankings refers to the strategic and systematic actions undertaken to enhance website visibility on search engine results pages.

  • Enhance page loading speed: Ensuring fast page load speed enhances the user experience, a factor that search engines consider when ranking sites.
  • Develop high-quality content: Leveraging data-driven research helps generate credible, engaging content that attracts and retains visitors.
  • Link optimization: Implement regular link audits to ensure all embedded links are relevant, trusted, and working.
  • Mobile optimization: As many web users access sites via mobile devices, optimizing for mobile ensures improved usability and visibility.
  • Page formatting: Correct usage of headers, bolding, italics, and bullet points can enhance readability, improving SEO.

Encouraging social media sharing, implementing focused and clean URLs, and using keywords strategically are other noteworthy methods of improving SEO rankings. Regularly monitoring SEO performance through tools like Google Analytics is also crucial.


SEO plays an instrumental role in driving visibility and consequently generating leads. Successful SEO implementation results in higher positions in Google’s search results, dramatically increasing the likelihood of clicks and visitor traffic.

Top strategies to enhance SEO ranking include improving page load speed, producing high-quality content, optimizing your website’s links and URLs, and designing your website for seamless mobile use.

Furthermore, creating more comprehensive, long-form content focused on relevant keywords can amplify backlink opportunities, solidifying your expertise in your respective field. Additionally, actively encouraging social media sharing and routing your attention to local SEO can significantly boost your online presence.

Therefore, meticulous and unceasing optimization focused on the overall performance rather than isolated factors is vital for a robust SEO strategy capable of keeping pace with evolving internet trends and Google’s algorithms.

