Gemini Advanced and ChatGPT-4 are Google and OpenAI’s paid versions of AI chat. Since Google released Gemini Advanced a few days ago, we tested these two AI leaders to see which produced the best articles.

In this article, we run tests to compare these AI chat platforms and give you essential information about Gemini Advanced.

Test #1: Write an Article Titled “Does Gemini Advanced Outperform ChatGPT-4?”

We used the same simple prompt for Gemini Advanced and ChatGPT-4.

Write a comprehensive article that is a minimum of 2,000 words and no more than 4,000 words. The article title is “Does Gemini Advanced Outperform ChatGpt-4?” Write the article in the second person and formal tone. Do not include more than two bullet lists.

ChatGPT-4 wrote an article with 2,484 words and three conclusion sections dispersed throughout the article and said “in conclusion” twice. The last conclusion section is at the end of the article.

  • Grammarly Premium gave the ChatGPT-4 article an overall score of 88.
  • Plagiarism: 4% of text matched 11 fragments from 11 sources on the web or in academic databases.
  • As set up for our company’s editing, Grammarly Premium suggested 70 edits.

Gemini Advanced wrote an article with 2,311 words and one conclusion near the end of the article.

  • Grammarly Premium gave the Gemini Advanced article an overall score of 92.
  • Plagiarism: 1% of text matched 2 fragments from 2 sources on the web or in academic databases.
  • As set up for our company’s editing, Grammarly Premium suggested 58 edits.

Here are the two articles. We have not edited them. However, we added a note at the bottom that is not included in the article’s word count or analysis.

Test #2: Write an Article Titled “How to Use Google Analytics 4”

We used a more complex prompt that is 197 words, asking both Gemini Advanced and ChatGPT-4 to write an article titled “How to Use Google Analytics 4.” Our objective was to enter “continue” until the chatbot stopped producing content or until it wrote a conclusion.

ChatGPT-4 wrote an article with 819 words and a conclusion at the end.

  • Grammarly Premium gave the ChatGPT-4 article an overall score of 95.
  • Plagiarism: 13% of text matched 11 fragments from 11 sources on the web or in academic databases.
  • As set up for our company’s editing, Grammarly Premium suggested 19 edits.

Gemini Advanced wrote an article with 1,706 words and without a conclusion.

  • Grammarly Premium gave the Gemini Advanced article an overall score of 96.
  • Plagiarism: 1% of text matched 1 fragment from 1 source on the web or in academic databases.
  • As set up for our company’s editing, Grammarly Premium suggested 40 edits.

We ran the prompt a second time, including the command to write a conclusion. Our objective was to enter “continue” (if necessary) until the chatbot wrote a conclusion.

ChatGPT-4 wrote an article with 1,060 words and a conclusion.

  • Grammarly Premium gave the ChatGPT-4 article an overall score of 93.
  • Plagiarism: 9% of text matched 10 fragments from 10 sources on the web or in academic databases.
  • As set up for our company’s editing, Grammarly Premium suggested 30 edits.

Gemini Advanced wrote an article with 1,047 words and a conclusion.

  • Grammarly Premium gave the Gemini Advanced article an overall score of 97.
  • Plagiarism: 2% of text matched 2 fragments from 2 sources on the web or in academic databases.
  • As set up for our company’s editing, Grammarly Premium suggested 19 edits.

Conclusions From the Tests

Three tests comprise too small of a sample size to make a definitive conclusion. However, the evidence is overwhelming since the release of Bard and now Gemini Advanced that Google’s AI is a significant contender in the space.

After reviewing each article to determine the time required to edit them before having a final draft to post to a website, our subjective opinion is that Gemini Advanced outperformed ChatGPT-4 in producing the articles.

  • Of particular note, articles written by Gemini Advanced had a significantly lower plagiarism score in Grammarly.

This confirms our test in December 2023 that Gemini/Bard outperformed ChaptGPT-4 for producing articles after Gemini Pro began powering Bard.

Gemini Versus ChatGPT: A Comparative Look

Understanding how Gemini stands alongside ChatGPT is like placing two high-caliber athletes side by side. Both have their strengths and specialties, but each plays the game slightly differently.

  • Similarities: Gemini and ChatGPT thrive on cutting-edge AI technology, allowing users to interact via natural language processing. They can both answer questions, provide information, assist with content creation, and engage in a conversational style that feels remarkably human-like.
  • Differences: Gemini sets itself apart with a direct pipeline to Google’s vast data resources and services, offering unparalleled integration and personalization within the Google ecosystem. In contrast, ChatGPT, which is based on OpenAI’s GPT models, misses out on such a deeply woven connection with Google’s suite of tools but has made a name for itself with its responsive and often insightful dialogue capabilities.

In the grander scheme, both chat platforms offer distinctly sophisticated tools. Still, the decision of which to use might boil down to how integrated you want your AI experience to be within your daily usage of Google’s services.

Performance Battle: Speed, Accuracy and User Feedback

When the rubber meets the road in AI, performance metrics like speed, accuracy, and user feedback are the real test of worthiness. Gemini has stepped into the ring with some impressive stats backing it up.

  • Speed: Gemini is built on top of Google’s infrastructure, synonymous with speed. Loading times are quick, responses are prompt, and the AI’s ability to process complex tasks efficiently showcases Google’s prowess in cloud computing.
  • Accuracy: By leveraging Google’s powerful Ultra 1.0 model, Gemini demonstrates a strikingly high level of accuracy. This becomes especially evident when tackling tasks such as language understanding, summarization, coding, reasoning, and even completing math problems based on benchmarks GSM8K, where Gemini has outshone older AI models.
  • User Feedback: Perhaps one of the more salient points of comparison is user satisfaction. According to recent blind evaluations with third-party raters, Gemini has emerged as the most preferred free chatbot, edging out leading alternatives due to its more nuanced understanding and interaction capabilities.

While ChatGPT has set a high bar in responsiveness and dialogue, synthesizing Gemini’s performance across various metrics highlights why users might lean towards this new contender. It promises not just to answer but to understand and deliver with quality.

Gemini Advanced: A New Frontier in AI Subscription Services

Gemini Advanced marks a leap into the realm of premium AI service, delivering an array of features designed for those who demand cutting-edge technology in their everyday tasks.

  • Best-in-Class AI Model: Gemini Advanced is powered by Google’s formidable Ultra 1.0 model, which excels in handling complex tasks with finesse.
  • Diverse Capabilities: With capabilities ranging from generating sophisticated code to crafting elaborate content and analyzing trends, Gemini Advanced is versatile and ready to confront any challenge.

Top features of Gemini Advanced include:

  • Multi-turn dialogue understanding.
  • Advanced logical reasoning.
  • High-level coding assistance.
  • Tailored learning support.
  • Enhanced creative collaboration.

Top benefits of Gemini Advanced include:

  • Superior production of AI-generated content.
  • Time savings due to efficient task handling.
  • Personalized experience adapting to user style.
  • Improved decision-making with data-driven insights.
  • Elevated creativity with on-demand idea generation.
  • Competitive edge in learning and development.

Pricing and Accessibility: Is Gemini Advanced Worth the Investment?

Gemini Advanced is $19.99/month and offers a two-month free trial. Let’s unfold the value proposition to see if it aligns with your digital aspirations.

  • Pricing Strategy: Gemini Advanced offers robust features in Google’s new Google One AI Premium Plan. This isn’t merely a chatbot subscription; it’s an investment in a suite of AI-enhanced tools and a substantial 2TB of cloud storage, which, for most users, is quite a generous amount of space for all their storage needs.
  • Accessibility: With availability in over 150 countries and territories in English and promised expansion to other languages, accessibility is broad. However, the language barrier could be a temporary limit for non-English speakers.
  • Value Comparison: Gemini Advanced could be considered a worthy investment compared to the cost of other premium AI tools or separate cloud storage services. The additional features like interactive coding assistance, in-depth analysis capabilities, and the promise of direct support within widely-used applications such as Gmail and Docs sweeten the deal.

Given these points, those deeply intertwined with the Google ecosystem and requiring advanced AI capabilities will find Gemini Advanced a valuable ally.


If you are using ChatGPT-4, you should, at minimum, try Gemini Advanced. Gemini began to outperform ChatGPT immediately upon its release. And now, with the release of Gemini Advanced, it is evident that businesses must seriously consider adopting Google’s AI platform to remain competitive.

Expect updates that bring even deeper integration within the Google ecosystem, further refining user experience and fostering more productive workflows. Gemini will likely grow more intelligent, intuitive, and adept at understanding context and subtleties in user requests.

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