Google’s New Paraphrase Algorithm and Lead Generation

Google’s research into a new paraphrase algorithm can generate articles based on paraphrasing information from web pages. Google, therefore, could potentially answer users’ questions on SERPs (search engine results pages) rather than referring them to a web page for the answer, which could severely affect lead generation as we know it today.

What is Google’s Paraphrase Algorithm?

Google released details regarding research relating to their paraphrasing algorithm. The algorithm is designed to create new content by summarizing existing online content into something similar to a featured snippet.

The algorithm works by first extracting the most important information from web pages. Then, using an abstracting algorithm, Google creates a summary abstract with natural sounding sentences based on the extracted facts.

In essence, Google examines online information on a certain topic, extracts the most important parts, and summarizes it for people to read (or listen to) without going to the original content.

The Algorithm Can Summarize Any Available Content

Some tests on the algorithm were performed using Wikipedia only, while other tests were performed with content freely and openly available on the Internet.

In practice, as it relates to businesses and lead generation, Google’s paraphrase algorithm accesses content from business web pages to create abstracts of information. Instead of directing users to visit a business web page for the information, Google provides the information on the SERP. As a result, the businesses originally generating the content lose the opportunity to generate leads.

The featured snippets Google currently produces in search results include a link to the source of the content. However, it would be difficult to include a link to a source with paraphrased content, since it is generated by Google from numerous sources. It is probable, therefore, that the organizations generating the original content Google paraphrases will not get credit for the content.

Google’s research into a paraphrasing algorithm represents a strong and significant threat to lead generation. Featured snippets already drive traffic away from websites because users have their questions answered on Google’s SERPs without visiting the originating website. If Google begins to generate paraphrased documents, websites could see their traffic decrease significantly, severely deterring lead generation from content marketing.

Voice Assistant Search and Google’s Paraphrase Algorithm

Google’s paraphrase algorithm is in development and is not in production. Currently, almost one-third of the artificial paraphrasing (abstractive summaries) generated by the algorithm contained false facts, which makes it unusable.

Paraphrasing may never be used on a traditional desktop or mobile search, but it appears to be a good fit for the future of voice assistant searches. With an increasing number of searches being performed through voice, whether through an Internet of Things device or smartphone, there is a need for more concise and natural sounding answers to questions. The performance of the paraphrasing algorithm seems to match what’s needed for voice searches to become more useful.

For now, Google voice search includes the source when giving an answer, which users can click and read for more information. Paraphrasing would likely not include a source, since the information is curated from numerous sources, eliminating the possibility of lead generation from voice search.

Take Away

Google’s plans are unclear for now. However, the algorithm may be activated in the future, especially to assist in creating natural sounding, unique answers to voice search queries.

If Google ever implements the paraphrase algorithm, it will negatively affect lead generation.

Companies, therefore, must have a diversified internet marketing strategy, and not depend on a single strategy involving a single company to generate leads and sales. To review the diversification of your internet marketing strategy, please schedule a free consultation or contact us direct.

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